What is a Poem?

Poems enable us to express our feelings about something that has made an impact on our life. It could be something as simple as a smell or a sound, or anything that triggers our senses, stirs our thoughts and memories.

A poem is often an expression of loss, change or self revelation that can’t be communicated in other, traditional ways – who would be interested in reading a paragraph on “the sun coming up”?

When pen is put to paper and the final lines are scratched out to complete a poem; the author has expressed a private outlook of a personal event or memory that may never have meaning to another living soul or, personal interpretation may lead the reader to an unintended destination – drawing parallels from their own well of experiences.

I don’t expect that my scribbles will bring fame or money – so, to what do I aspire?

Firstly, is expression for self. I find that the process of conveying my own thoughts to written prose is liberating. I can break the rules and ignore any expectation.

Secondly, is the calming contentment that flows, or overflows when another is emotionally touched by a line, phrase or an entire poem – your expression is no longer starkly written word. It has become a common feeling, a shared emotion, an offering of support, advice, memory or simply a written picture that has captured the senses…at least for a moment.