Author: Jon Green

Redeeming Truth-

Deceiving lies or redeeming truth The choices made were our own A Savior chosen to save mankind God on earth in flesh and bone ……………………………………………………………………. Our earthly journey – a rocky path Seems a...

Our Hearts Renewed-

The broken bread the blessed cup The hallowed sabbath day We’ve come this day our hearts prepared To seek thy peaceful way ………………………………………………………………………… We seek thee in humility We sing of saving grace Our...

Joyous Truths-

Have I paused to help another with the burden that they bear? Have I sought to feed my brother and provide base earthly care? ………………………………………………………….. Do I begin each day with prayer giving thanks...

Other Interests

A time for all seasons… Metal / mechanics / paint There is something about customizing an old truck, making it road worthy…and turning a few heads in the process. “Hobbies” can be all-consumming, that’s...

Far Far From Home-

These many miles I have journeyed – far far from home Content in the thought that my path – was mine & mine alone Pressing on with restless ambition – the goal before me...

Evidence of Them-

Through the canyons & meadows they long ago roamed They were borne to the earth & called her mother They studied the heavens – measured time by the moon Their print on the sierras...

In Thoughtful Silence-

In thoughtful silence, we search our hearts for peace, for promptings, for truth unfeigned Our Saviors life and his sacrifice on our behalf, in our minds are framed ………………………………………………………………………………… If our eyes could pierce...

Emblems That We Share-

The noise of the world fades off, as the saints prepare The bread and wine for us blessed, emblems that we share I humbly bow my head – And seek thy spirit sweet To...

Humble Plea-

Would thee Lord, accept this prayer And hear my humble plea That my robes, this carnal weight Be bathed in light from thee ………………………………………………………………….. As I strive, to shed the world On thy life...

Klik & Klyme

 A STORY OF BROTHERLY LOVE A STORY OF AN OUTSTRETCHED HAND A STORY OF HELPING THOSE IN NEED                                   Jon K Green ……………………………………………………………………… (A children’s book – with Illustrations) ……………………………………………………………………… Klik and Klyme...