(Love – To Be or Not To Be)
The challenge, to say aloud the phrase of commitment, a suspended offering, vulnerable is the author, intimidating the suspense, tendered silence as response is formed, pensive anticipation confirms what the eyes have already revealed – received and embraced or has all perished in the moment?
(Love Experienced)
What joy is stirred when love is returned – can the flush of the heart be shared by two? What one wouldn’t do to strengthen the sprout – to make fertile the soil, to nurture the plant? What one wouldn’t do to defend such a flower? Life no longer a singular focus, drink deep from the well – walk lightly the path.
(Love in Action)
Does the mark make one weak or soft? No, only humble, for the mark of love is humility, that of selfless giving. The true act of love being service, performed as daily toil, as a comforting gesture, in the gifts rendered in kindness to the helpless, in unsung deeds seldom praised. Service surrendered without ransom, without want or expectation.
(Love Defined)
The true sign of love is loyalty – spoken softly and boldly by a mother. Spoken fiercely for a father or brother, but spoken in sacred whispers to the companion. To the one who sees the soul, making transparent the flaws we keep veiled, knowing our heart as it is.
(Love to Emulate)
An earthly gift with eternal blessings, the preeminent lesson – to become like Him. The Son of Man who experienced all things, suffered all things, honored his Father in support of His plan, bled on a cross and paid the price…to redeem us. May we recognize his endless love and reach for His outstretched arms.
Jon Green – 6/2015