Voids and Veils

My childhood home was typical for the time and place and the resulting family bonds are my own definition of “hearts knit together”.  Anyone that has more than one child knows that no two kids are alike. The only people that understand that better than the parents are the siblings themselves! They are the ones that share bedrooms, lifestyles, and house rules; they go to school together, church together, go on vacations together, and they form relationships with each other that grow and evolve the rest of their lives. 

We all have children of our own now and those children have children…and so it goes. But despite professions, zip codes and the river of time, the relationships that we formed in our youth remain, they are part of us – ingredients of our own identity. 

My brother Jim just moved to a zip code where I can’t call but the relationship abides.

The last time I talked to Jim he wasn’t interested in saying “goodbye”, he wanted to talk about our Mission in Nauvoo.

He is a veracious missionary – I hope they’re ready for him!

Jim Green 1950-2024

Voids and Veils

The simple home of childhood dreams

Shimmering scenes in shades of gray

Playful children – distant laughter

Reside at peace in yesterday

Echoes of the past swell within my heart

But we’re weary worn and frail

Yet within the dance we ‘hold’ firm the line

The void alas no longer veiled


Every road leads from there…to here

And from our nests the fledglings flew

Playful children – distant laughter

The world turns around the few

Quickened beating hearts bound by common roots

But we’re weary worn and frail

Still remain the ties formed in childhood homes

The void alas no longer veiled


Years pass’d us by and our time spent

The young have come unto their own

Playful children – distant laughter

And soon the babes will all be grown

We as mortals lived in this earthly sphere

But we’re weary worn and frail

Those who came before wait to bid us home

The void alas no longer veiled


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