Winter Solstice

The shortest day of the year brings time for reflection and rejuvenation, there is less daylight, fewer blue skies, and more things that push us inside.

Mother Nature is resting and some animals just sleep away the winter, dreaming of the warming days of spring. The squirrels aren’t napping though, they have been busy for months preparing for the long cold nights of winter.

I love being in places that have distinctive seasons. It helps me mark time, assess progress, and plan for the coming season and all that it brings. It’s appropriate that the shortest day of the year comes at the end of the year and around the holiday where we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The prospect of the coming year is an opportunity to set some goals, try something new, and stretch your self-imposed bubble to be aware of all that is around us.

I have been to Nauvoo before, but always in the bustling summer season. This little creek on the north end of town is sleeping. I look forward to marking time and progress by the changes it encounters in the coming year!

Merry Christmas to all, and may the coming year bring all you hope for…

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