The Call-

They sing in primary the words of the hymn

He smiles and sways to the familiar rhyme

 “I hope they call me on a mission”

So sure of his future condition

– I hope he makes it


He still says yes when pointedly asked

But I’m unsure if his feelings are masked

At times he seems so very strong

To doubt his path would be wrong

– I hope he makes it


The pull of the world increases each year

His own choice will rule – that is now clear

He picked his friends and stayed true

But life is refining his point of view

– I hope he makes it


Advice freely offered from every side

But choices threatened a downward slide

A saving gesture from one kind and dear

But a mission call for two long years?

– I hope he makes it


Twenty-Four months in far distant land 

With faith to put all in the Father’s hand

Such focus and effort to turn the tide

He may be more prepared than I

– I hope… I can make it

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