I wrote a poem for Daniel (our son) and Linda when they were married. Now, 20-years later, times have changed, Daniel has changed, I have changed, and my responsibilities and outlook have changed. What hasn’t changed is my love of family, and now Kathleen and I see a budding new season for us, as the first wedding of our grandchildren takes place. Zane and Abby are starting life together. Is a grandfather allowed to offer advice?
Seasons –
There are seasons of the turning earth, and seasons that each of us will fill.
Earthly cycles are a constant turn, while pages of a lifetime unfold at will.
There is something in our longing hearts, that crave the changing day.
Don’t close a troubled door in haste, or compel the reckless way.
A brand-new season is unfolding, this new time is just for you.
It’s a time for joy and happiness, and learning to be one of two.
The coming season may prolong, or be shortened by waves of change.
You’ll grow strong as partners, as trials extend your range.
Seek the joy of family. Seek the gift of grace from God.
Recognize the mercies of others. Seek together the Light of life.