Signs and Wonders

Well, the Solar Eclipse has come and gone. Was it, or is it a sign of the end of days? It’s not like signs and wonders are for ‘somebody else’ to worry about. I’m not sure that letting celestial events steer our course here on the planet’s surface is the best plan of action. It’s kind of like servicing your car only when it fails, or responding to warnings from others who declare, “look busy, Jesus is coming!”

We see signs of all kinds, all the time. The birth of a child, a spectacular sunset, survival of nature’s meek and vulnerable – against all odds. Springtime is, without doubt, the most awe-inspiring time of the year. We see the rebirth of plants and trees that have been subjected to short days, long dark nights and the frigid deep-freeze of winter! We see the soft pedals of new flowers defy all odds, sometimes pushing through the late spring snows, to flourish in the warming season. 

My Grandson, Zane, is getting married in a few weeks and while it may be a time of wonder and joy for him – it is a sure sign that I am getting old…

I’ll go back to the car analogy. If you are diligent in keeping things in good working order, going on that long vacation is something to look forward to…not something to worry about. Enjoy the trip!


Our Way Home 

The suns early rays, reveal a glorious day

Anticipation fills, a quickened joyful heart 

Looking only forward, toward the winding way

Senses are awakened, as all prepare to part

The rising sunlit road, extends from heavens door

Scarcely do we ponder, what dangers lurk ahead

Singing birds and blossoms, distract us evermore 

Joyful songs are muted, along the path we’re led

The high mountain passes, cloaked in a heavy fog

Obscure our darkened way, and hide the wicked snare.

Do we recall the plan, that steers us from this bog?

Will we resolve to live, dispelling our despair?

The dreadful clouds disperse, revealing distant shores

Where friends and family wait, to hold their very kin         

But can the final leg, be free of toil and chores?

We seek the gift of grace, to put to rest our sin

So onward to the march, in answer of the call

Hold tightly to the rod, and those we hold so dear

The Father and the Son, lead armies great and small

To eternal vict’ry, through ages bright and clear

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