Spring Equinox

There may still be some unsettled weather coming our way, but the Spring Equinox is a milestone in our annual calendar that signals great anticipation. Surely the frigid temperatures of winter are behind us as daffodils and tulips muscle up through the warming soil. Hints of green are evident as buds, leaves, and grasses seek the warming rays of the sun. The lengthening days have prompted the eagles to vacate their winter home here on the Mississippi and the turtles have weathered the ice and now sun themselves on the dry logs along the shallows.

What do I expect of the coming season? I know that the sleeping little town of Nauvoo will be transformed as a substantial effort is put forth to plant flowers, gardens, and landscaping of all kinds. The anticipation of the proverbial ‘flood gates’ opening hangs in the air as preparations are made to receive those who will make a pilgrimage to the Historic Sites of Nauvoo.

I expect that the number of visitors will be greater this year because of the historic sites that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have recently acquired from the Community of Christ Church. Regardless of the incentive, the spirit of Nauvoo is sure to capture the hearts of all visitors who contemplate the importance of this sacred place.

While we are surrounded each spring by the awakening of nature, it is the commemoration of our Savior’s victory over death that gives springtime colors their glow! Jesus Christ suffered in Gethsemane, and on the cross, “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”

Mary Magdalene arrived at the tomb that morning “when it was yet dark”, then, remaining alone as Peter and John had gone home, she is the first mortal to witness the Resurrected Christ! For reasons known only to Himself, the Risen Lord appears first to…

Mary –

The morning is bathed in springtime splendor
Void of the tempest from the dark week passed
When vipers conspired their wicked die cast
To condemn the One that offered all light

The truest students of our dear Savior
Carried the sorrow of the cruel cross
Grieving the Sabbath of their heavy loss
The heart of their path darkened by shadows

The mourning faithful bring holy off’rings
But death is conquered the prison empty
The angels stand guard and bid all to see
Word is delivered to a doubting crowd

Fear and hope-unknown veiled the breaking day
She was left alone with her aching soul
The silence broken in the vacant hole
The Risen Lord speaks to her heart…”Mary”

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