Monthly Archive: March 2024

Mary –

The morning is bathed in springtime splendorVoid of the tempest from the dark week passedWhen vipers conspired their wicked die castTo condemn the One that offered all light The truest students of our dear...

Spring Equinox

There may still be some unsettled weather coming our way, but the Spring Equinox is a milestone in our annual calendar that signals great anticipation. Surely the frigid temperatures of winter are behind us...

Red Bricks & Homesteads

The 5th of March, 2024, started in a routine manner – up early, opening meeting at the FM shops at 7-AM, then off to the John Taylor home, specifically the missionary housing attached to...


Our home in Foresthill had some stairs, but mostly outside. A few steps up to the greenhouse in the back yard, a few steps down to the shop out front, and a few stairs...