John McLaughlin – 1774-1860

Great Great Grandfather of Norma (Hamilton) Green

I have witnessed the taming of the Ohio frontier and the virgin forests of the valley cleared for the industry of civilization. My father came to America to escape religious persecution in his homeland of Scotland and I was born in Pennsylvania in 1774. I have seen the oft repeated scenario of man against man, or religion against religion, or country against country, or natives against the settlers that move ever westward. From nearly my youth I worked for the government to report the movements of the Indians, to confirm their actions, and to advise my commanders of what they would encounter on the frontier. I was at home in the woods and could survive on my own skills, avoiding the enemy at every turn.

In my early 20’s, I purchased 114-acres of forested land in Jefferson County Ohio from my wife’s brother John Johnson for 12 and a half cents per acre. There were very few settlers in the area at that time and I built a crude shelter for my wife, Ann, and our baby girl, who joined me the following year.

While I loved the raw beauty of the unmolested frontier, I have dedicated much effort to bringing the civilized world to Jefferson County. I founded the village of Adena, naming it after my friend and Territorial Governors’ personal gardens, the word meaning “paradise”. My wife Ann and I have raised our children here…and even buried some of our children here, life isn’t always easy, but we have carved a good life here – I life that we enjoy.

I have made a place for my family to succeed, built homes, made close and lifelong friends, and represented my community as a Justice of the Peace, an Ohio legislator for 5-yrs, and was elected to the Senate where I served for another 12-yrs. What I lacked in formal education, I pursued in the world of books; I especially enjoy exhilarating conversation or debate with one who has command and skill of the english language.

I don’t recount my activities as boastful accomplishment for I know that I have been blessed in my senior years with a loving wife and family, sound shelter, and a soft place in which to lay my head. Our young country is founded on the rights given us by God and the freedom for every man to pursue his own path. I can see that the stage is set for those who want to explore, seek to discover, and open the door to the frontier west of the Ohio Valley.

I am relieved of the drive and desire that I had as a young man but maintain hope that this great country will grow and flourish under the hand of God. Through extensive study of the scriptures I have come to know and love the doctrines of the Old and New Testament and I am currently an Elder in the United Presbyterian Church. I have found, and lean more dependently each year, on the confirmation that our salvation, through Jesus is God’s generous gift to us and not the result of our own accomplishments.

I am content in my aging condition to see my family healthy and happy and free; and to know that a solid foundation has been laid for the security of my family for generations to come.