Klik & Klyme







                                  Jon K Green


(A children’s book – with Illustrations)


Klik and Klyme had shared their tiny pod

But the twins were cramped and ready to go

They looked forward to a fertile home

Where the seedling brothers could grow


The brothers’ freedom would soon come

The autumn wind announced the news

Survival through the winter snows

Will see reward in springtime dews


The fury of the western wind

Launched the pod into the abyss

The wingless flight quickly cut short

By the steep and rocky inland cliffs


The impact shattered the brittle pod

And Klyme landed hard in a narrow wedge

Bruised – dazed and for the first time alone

Early winter snows covered the ledge


The warming days of springs first breath

Gave root to the seedling’s first gains

Tender young leaves in constant want

Roots sought space in the rocky terrain


The cliffs offered no protection at all

From wind and snow and summer heat

There was precious little soil to find

To live and grow Klyme had to compete

He grew slowly throughout the years

Branches clinging to the vertical slope

Roots hanging on with determined grip

He battled daily with little hope


Seasons rolled on from year to year

And each a challenge with no relief

As the life-giving days of spring came in

A late snow covered the budding leaves

Klyme’s spring roots found no hold

And the snow laid heavy on the land

Falling debris from the rocks above

Was more than Klyme could withstand


New green branches refused to give up

Clinging roots couldn’t bear the load

Klyme closed his eyes as the rocks let go

Failure to hold would be the end of the road


But the end was not yet to be

Commotion and chaos and falling debris

Then peace as the free-fall ceased

All landed secure in the crook of a tree

Support had come from a sturdy limb

Grown upward from the valley floor

“I’ve got you Klyme” came a lowering voice

I am Klik your brother lost from before


Unlike you I fell into a fertile spot

Healthy and happy I flourished and grew

With nourishing soil deep and dark

Refreshed each day by the morning dews

As we all look up to the life-giving light

I watched you as the seasons turned slow

Through searing summers and frigid cold

You never looked down at the world below


I couldn’t help you from my place afar

My heart ached to see your fitful plight

I was helpless to assist to warn or advise

Or direct you to the safety within my sight


I could see how near the sustaining soil

I knew your roots would thrive indeed

But powerless was I so weak so distant

So helpless to help my brother in need


I grew and grew – eagerly racing upwards

A sturdy limb reaching in an intentional bend

Perfectly placed at this moment in time

To stop the free-fall and the terrible end

Klyme found new footing a few feet below

Leaning on Klik till the new roots took hold

Klik firmly stood as one with his brother

The twins grew together strong and bold


Their glorious canopy soaked in the sun

Giving shade and protection in every weather

Majestic and full they grew to the heavens

Kings of the forest they reigned forever


The End

Forest Floor Publishing – 2021

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